東北工業大学 情報通信工学科 中川研究室

中川朋子 学会・シンポジウム発表論文要旨 

Magnetic fluctuations detected by Kaguya in the central wake
中嶋 達也, 和田 拓 , 中川 朋子, 綱川 秀夫, 高橋 太, 渋谷 秀敏, 清水 久芳, 松島 政貴, 斎藤 義文, 西野 真木
Nakashima, T., T. Wada, T. Nakagawa, H. Tsunakawa, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, and M. Matsushima, Y. Saito, M. Nishino,

月には地球のような大規模な固有磁場が無いため、太陽風粒子は直接月面に衝突する。そのほとんどは月面で吸収され、ごく一部(0.1ないし1%)の太陽風プロトンが月面ないし月表面の磁場で反射される。この反射プロトンは月周辺の磁場に擾乱を与えている。特に周期100秒程度の低周波の波と、0.03-10 Hz程度のELF帯の波が特徴的である。後者は特に、月が太陽風中にあって衛星が月の昼間側にあるときはほとんど常に観測される。一方、月の夜側の、太陽風プラズマが入れないウェイク領域では、そのような磁場変動はほとんど見られないのが常である。

しかしながら、100km高度の昼夜を通る軌道上のかぐや衛星搭載磁力計MAP/LMAGによって、0.1-10Hz程度のELF帯の磁場変動が月の夜側中央部(ウェイク中央部)付近に時折見られることが発見された。このような波の15例中、少なくとも12例は、真夜中でありながら、同時にイオンが観測されている。このイオンは日照側月面で反射したプロトンが太陽風の磁場を横切って回転を始め、ウェイク中央部に到達したもの(タイプIIエントリー, Nishino et al., 2009)と考えられる。波の継続時間(数分程度)は、イオンの観測時間より同程度か短いことが多かった。


Since the moon does not have a global magnetic field system, the solar wind particles can access the lunar surface directly. The solar wind particles that hit the moon are absorbed by the dayside lunar surface, and the solar wind plasma are essentially absent on the downstream side of the moon (the lunar wake). Kaguya MAP-PACE instrument has revealed that not all the solar wind particles are absorbed, but 0.1 - 1% of the solar wind protons are reflected by the lunar surface (Saito et al., 2008).

Due to the reflection of the solar wind particles, the magnetic field is almost always fluctuating over the frequency range of 0.03 - 10 Hz (Nakagawa et al., 2011). They were basically absent in the central wake. Magnetic fluctuations of about 0.1-10 Hz are found by Kaguya MAP-LMAG magnetometer in the deepest wake region, where magnetic fluctuations were rarely expected. The magnetic fluctuations were rather 1-dimensional, showing no preferred polarity. They were often detected when the SSE-y component of the solar wind magnetic field was dominant. At least 80 percent of them were accompanied by ions, which are thought to be the solar wind protons once reflected by the dayside surface, picked up by the solar wind electric field and entered the deepest wake (Type-II entry protons, Nishino et al., 2009). Accordingly, the magnetic fluctuations in the central wake are thought to be generated by the type-II protons.

Debye length in the wake of a non-magnetized object in the solar wind
中川 朋子
T. Nakagawa






Importance of surface charging of downstream-side surface of a non-magnetized obstacle in the solar wind is studied with 2-D electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations [1] [2] [3] by changing the size of the obstacle with respect to the Debye length. It was revealed that even in the case of a large obstacle, the electric field in the wake extends far downstream beyond the Debye length in the unperturbed solar wind. It is mainly due to the highly depressed electron density and nearly constant electron temperature in the wake.

Low frequency waves detected by Kaguya around the moon
T. Nakagawa
2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013年9月5日.

Since the moon does not have a global system of the magnetic field, the solar wind particles directly hit lunar surface. It makes the solar wind interaction with the moon quite different from that with the Earth. Absorption of the solar wind particles by the lunar surface leads to the formation of the lunar wake, a plasma cavity in the solar wind left on the anti-solar side of the moon. Recent observations made by Kaguya revealed that not all the solar wind particles are absorbed but 0.1 - 1 % of the solar wind protons are reflected by the lunar surface[1]. It is also found that some of the reflected protons can access the center of the near wake due to their large Larmour radius[2].

The solar wind interaction with the moon generates wave activities around the moon. At large distances from the moon, whistler waves were detected by WIND and Geotail spacecraft when the spacecraft were magnetically connected with the moon or the lunar wake[3,4]. In the vicinity of the moon, Kaguya observed large-amplitude, nearly monochromatic low frequency waves of 0.01 Hz[5,6] and non-monochromatic fluctuations within the frequency range from 0.03 to 10 Hz [7].

Predominance of the two frequency bands is analogous to the low-frequency waves in the upstream of the Earth's bow shock where the solar wind protons are reflected. The two frequency bands detected by Kaguya were also generated by the solar wind protons reflected by the moon. The monochromatic, circularly polarized low frequency waves of 0.01 Hz were generated through the cyclotron resonance of the magnetohydrodynamic waves with the solar wind protons reflected by the moon[6]. The non-monochromatic fluctuations in the range from 0.03 to 10 Hz were whistler waves, but the generation mechanism is not yet fully understood[7].

[1] Y. Saito, et al., "Solar wind proton reflection at the lunar surface: Low energy ion measurement by MAP-PACE onboard SELENE (Kaguya)", Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L24205, doi:10.1029/2008GL036077, 2008.
[2] M. N. Nishino, et al., "Solar-wind proton access deep into the near-Moon wake", Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16103, doi:10.1029/2009GL039444, 2009.
[3] W. M. Farrell, et al., "Upstream ULF waves and energetic electrons associated with the lunar wake: Detection of precursor activity", Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 1271-1274, 1996.
[4] T. Nakagawa, et al., "GEOTAIL observation of upstream ULF waves associated with lunar wake", Earth Planets Space, 55, 569-580, 2003.
[5] H. Tsunakawa, et al., "Lunar magnetic field observation and initial global mapping of lunar magnetic anomalies by MAP-LMAG onboard SELENE (Kaguya) ", Space Sci. Rev., 154, 219-251, doi:10.1007/s11214-010-9652-0, 2010.
[6] T. Nakagawa, et al., "Large-amplitude monochromatic ULF waves detected by Kaguya at the moon", J. Geophys. Res., 117, A04101, doi:10.1029/2011JA017249, 2012.
[7] T. Nakagawa, et al., "Non-monochromatic whistler waves detected by Kaguya on the dayside surface of the moon", Earth Planets Space, 63(1), pp. 37-46, doi:10.5047/eps.2010.01.005, 2011.

Magnetic fluctuations of 0.1-1Hz detected by Kaguya in the deepest wake associated with the type-II ions,
Nakagawa, T., KAGUYA/MAP/LMAG Team
第134回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会, 高知, 高知大学, 2013年11月4日.


磁場変動の観測された17例中、かぐや搭載粒子観測装置MAP-PACEによるイオン観測のある16例すべてについて、真夜中ながら太陽風プロトンが観測された。これらのイオンは昼側月面で反射したプロトンが太陽風の磁場の周りをサイクロトロン運動してウェイク中央部に到達した、いわゆるタイプ-IIプロトン(Nishino et al., 2009)と考えられる。16例中、月面側を向いたIMAでプロトンが検出された例が7例、太陽風の下流側を向いたIEAセンサでプロトンが検出された例が1例で、残り8例ではその両方でプロトンが検出された。また、8例について、プロトンの作り電位差によって引きこまれたと思われる0.1keVの電子が同時に観測されている。磁場変動の観測時間はプロトンの観測時間より短いことが多かったが、プロトンが観測されているのになぜ一部にしか磁場変動がみられないのかは未解明である。



Magnetic fluctuations of about 0.1-10 Hz are found by Kaguya MAP-LMAG magnetometer in the deepest wake behind the moon, where magnetic field is usually quiet. The fluctuations were compressional, and persisted for 30s to several minutes. They were often accompanied by the Type-II entry protons, which are the solar wind protons once reflected by the dayside surface, picked up by the solar wind electric field and entered the deepest wake (Type-II entry protons, Nishino et al., 2009). There were 5 cases in which the magnetic fluctuations were thought to be controlled by the magnetic connection of the spacecraft with the lunar surface, but other 3 cases of the fluctuations were detected on the magnetic field lines connected with the lunar surface.

Solar wind plasma entry into the wake behind an unmagnetized obstacle
中川 朋子
Nakashima, T.,




Plasma entry into a wake downstream of a non-magnetized obstacle in the supersonic flow of the solar wind is studied by using a two-dimensional, electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulation. Importance of negative charging of the downstream-side surface of the obstacle is examined by comparing the simulation results of 3 different ratios 8, 16, 32 of the obstacle size to the Debye length.

Monochromatic whistler waves at 8 Hz observed by Kaguya above the terminator of the Moon
橋本 彰, 中川 朋子, 綱川 秀夫, 高橋 太, 渋谷 秀敏, 清水 久芳, 松島 政貴,
Hashimoto, A., T. Nakagawa, H. Tsunakawa, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, and M. Matsushima,

月には地球のような大規模な磁場がなく、太陽風プラズマが直接月面や局所磁場に衝突するため、地球とは異なる太陽風相互作用が起きている。月の近傍、特に昼間側及び昼夜境界付近で観測される磁場変動には、大きく分けて(1) 月面で反射した太陽風イオンとのサイクロトロン共鳴によって起こる約100秒周期の磁気流体(MHD)波動と、(2) 反射された太陽風電子との共鳴で起こる0.3-10HzのELF帯のホイッスラー波があるが、(2) のホイッスラー波のうち、帯域の狭いもの周波数は1-2Hzのことが多い。これは、反射粒子によって太陽風の上流に向かって伝搬する波の位相速度が太陽風速より遅く、衛星座標から見た場合にドップラーシフトによって周波数が下がって見えるためである。偏波も、もともと背景磁場に対して右回りだったホイッスラー波が衛星から見た場合に左回りに裏返って見えることが多い。

今般、かぐや衛星によって8 Hz付近に周波数幅の狭い波が発見された。2008年1月1日から9月30日までの間で月が太陽風にさらされていた期間中に観測された磁場データ(サンプリング周波数32Hz)を使用し、32秒ずつフーリエ変換してえたスペクトル中4-16 Hzの範囲で周波数幅0.15Hz以上にわたって周囲の周波数帯よりも10倍以上パワーが強くなっている場合4529例を現象として検出した。発生頻度の分布をとると、昼夜境界と極付近(これも昼夜境界)に多かった。月に固定した座標で見た場合は、地球から遠い側の南半球に集中していたが、これは月の磁気異常の位置と一致する。最小変化法で伝搬方向を求めると背景磁場に沿っており、偏波方向は右回りであった。これらの性質から、この波は反射電子との共鳴によって励起されたホイッスラー波が下流に向かって伝搬し、ドップラーシフトによって周波数が上昇して観測されたものと考えられる。

Magnetic fluctuations around the moon are characterized with 2 major categories: (1) large amplitude monochromatic waves of 0.01 Hz and (2) monochromatic or non-monochromatic whistler waves, both observed on the dayside surface of the moon or above the terminator. Their generation is associated with (1) the solar wind ions or (2) electrons, respectively, reflected at the surface of the moon or the local crustal magnetic field. The monochromatic whistler waves are found at 1-2 Hz with left-handed polarization due to the Doppler shift caused by the solar wind flow. The frequency range is determined by the group velocity of the whistler waves that can overcome the solar wind speed.

Differently from the previously known characteristics, a new type of monochromatic waves was found at 8 Hz in the magnetic field data obtained by MAP/LMAG onboard Kaguya. They concentrated above the terminator. They propagated in the direction of the background magnetic field and showed right-hand polarization. They are thought to be whistler waves propagating downstream, and the frequency was up-shifted due to the Doppler shift.

ELF waves detected by MAP/LMAG magnetometer onboard Kaguya in the deepest lunar wake associated with the type-II entry of the solar wind ions
Nakagawa, T., T. Nakashima, T. Wada, H. Tsunakawa, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, M. Matsushima, and Y. Saito,
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, 2014年7月30日.

Since the moon does not have the global system of magnetic field, the solar wind particles directly hit the lunar surface, or the lunar crustal magnetic fields. Some of the particles are reflected by the surface or by the magnetic field, to generate magnetic fluctuations such as ULF waves associated with the reflected ions, or the ELF waves related with the reflected electrons. They are observed on the dayside or above the terminator of the moon, where the solar wind reflection occurs. On the other hand, the magnetic field on the night side of the moon is essentially quiet because of the absence of access of the solar wind particles. However, magnetic fluctuations in ELF range of 0.1-10 Hz were occasionally observed by Kaguya MAP/LMAG magnetometer in the deepest wake behind the moon. The fluctuations were compressional and non-monochromatic, showing no preferred polarization. They were often accompanied by the solar wind protons which were once reflected by the dayside surface, gyrate around the solar wind magnetic field, and then entered the deepest wake (the protons were referred to as "type-II entry" by Nishino et al., 2008). They persisted for 30 s to several minutes, and the duration was often shorter than that of the type-II protons. The duration was controlled by the magnetic connection to the lunar surface. Most of the waves were detected on the magnetic field lines which were not connected with the lunar surface, along which the solar wind electrons were injected into the wake. Since a large cross-field velocity difference is expected between the type-II protons and the solar wind electrons injected along the magnetic field, it seems that some cross-field current driven instability such as the lower-hybrid two-stream instability is responsible for the generation of the waves.

ULF/ELF Waves Detected by MAP/LMAG Magnetometer Onboard Kaguya around the Moon and in the Lunar Wake
Nakagawa, T., H. Tsunakawa, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya, H. Shimizu, M. Matsushima, and Y. Saito,
AGU Chapman Conference on Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas, Jeju Island, Korea, 2014年9月1日.

The moon stands in the solar wind flow as an insulating obstacle. Absorption of the most of the solar wind particles by the lunar surface leads to the formation of the lunar wake, a plasma cavity in the solar wind left on the anti-solar side of the moon. A few percentage of the solar wind particles were found to be reflected by the lunar surface or the lunar crustal field[1], generating magnetic fluctuations in the ultra low frequency (ULF) range and in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range. The waves repeatedly observed on the dayside of the moon were the ULF waves at 0.01 Hz [2] and the ELF waves of 0.03-10 Hz [3]. Predominance of the two frequency bands is analogous to the low-frequency waves in the upstream of the Earth's bow shock where the solar wind protons are reflected. The two frequency bands detected by Kaguya were also generated by the solar wind protons reflected by the moon. The monochromatic, circularly polarized low frequency waves of 0.01 Hz were generated through the cyclotron resonance of the magnetohydrodynamic waves with the solar wind protons reflected by the moon. The non-monochromatic fluctuations in the range from 0.03 to 10 Hz were whistler waves, and the generator is supposed to be the reflected particles, too, because the detection was concentrated above the magnetic anomaly. Although the nightside of the moon was essentially quiet because of the absence of access of the solar wind particles, magnetic fluctuations in ELF range of 0.1-10 Hz were occasionally observed in association with the "type-II entry" solar wind protons which were once reflected by the dayside surface and entered the central wake region due to their large Larmour radius [4]. The magnetic fluctuations were detected on the magnetic field lines along which the solar wind electrons were injected into the wake, so it is expected that some cross-field current driven instability such as the lower-hybrid two-stream instability is responsible for the generation of the waves.
[1] Y. Saito, et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L24205, doi:10.1029/2008GL036077, 2008.
[2] T. Nakagawa, et al., J. Geophys. Res., 117, A04101, doi:10.1029/2011JA017249, 2012.
[3] T. Nakagawa, et al., Earth Planets Space, 63(1), pp. 37-46, doi:10.5047/eps.2010.01.005, 2011.
[4] M. N. Nishino, et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16103, doi:10.1029/2009GL039444, 2009.

Generation mechanism of ELF waves in the deepest wake associated with the type-II entry protons
中川朋子, KAGUYA/MAP/LMAG Team, 斎藤 義文
Nakagawa, T., KAGUYA/MAP/LMAG Team, Y. Saito
第136回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会, 松本, キッセイ文化ホール, 2014年11月3日.

月には地球のような大規模な磁場がないため、直接月面に衝突した太陽風プラズマは ほとんどが月面で吸収され、下流にウェイクが形成されるが、 かぐや衛星観測によって一部のプロトンが月面及び月面の局所磁場で反射し、 さらにその一部が太陽風磁場の周りをラーマー運動することによって ウェイク中に到達することが発見され、タイプIIエントリープロトンと名付けられている(Nishino et al., 2009)。

このタイプIIプロトン侵入に伴って、月の真裏のウェイク中心部で 1-8Hz程度の周波数範囲のELF波動がかぐや衛星の磁場観測によって観測された。 このELF波は磁場強度の変動を伴っており、圧縮性の波であることがわかる。 明確な周波数のピークは見られていない。 ELF波の観測される時間はタイプIIプロトンの継続時間より短く、 衛星が月面と磁力線でつながっている時は観測されにくく(例外は15例中2例)、 磁力線が月面から離れると同時にELF波が現れた例が5例あった。

磁力線が月面から離れると同時0.1keV程度の電子が増えており、 このELF波の励起にはプロトンだけでなく電子の存在が必要であることが示唆される。 これらの電子は、タイプIIプロトンによる電場によって流入しており、 磁力線が月面(負に帯電している)に接触するとその流入が阻害されると考えられる。 タイプIIプロトンは太陽風磁場を横切る成分を持つのに対し、 電子は太陽風磁場に沿って流入してくるため、 プロトンと電子の間には磁場を横切るような相対速度があり、 これがエネルギー源となって、 変形二流体不安定などの機構によってELF波を励起していると考えられる。

Magnetic fluctuations in the ELF range were observed by MAP-LMAG magnetometer onboard Kaguya in the deepest wake behind the moon associated with the type-II entry protons (Nishino et al., 2009). Most of the waves were detected on the magnetic field lines which were not connected with the lunar surface, along which the solar wind electrons were injected into the wake. Since a large cross-field velocity difference is expected between the type-II protons and the solar wind electrons injected along the magnetic field, it seems that some cross-field current driven instability such as the lower-hybrid two-stream instability is responsible for the generation of the waves.

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