本学科の袁 巧微教授が4GCMEA 2022で招待講演を行いました

8月17日-20日に中国の成都で開催された4年に一度のマイクロ波の国際会議4GCMEA 2022 (The Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications)において、本学科の袁 巧微教授が招待講演を行いました。

[Title] Lossy Matching Circuit in Wireless Power Transfer System
Qiaowei Yuan (Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan)

Impedance matching is very important technology to improve transmission efficiency both for wireless communication and for wireless power transfer (WPT). Lumped reactive elements are usually used in the impedance matching circuit for low frequency systems, however, the ohmic loss of these reactive components such as inductors and capacitors have been usually neglected till far in matching circuit design. In this report, an exact our proposed approach to design the lumped matching circuit at the presence of the ohmic loss will be explained. Then, the condition for selection of impedance matching topology is presented not only for lossless case but also for lossy case. As the end of this report, the effect of the ohmic loss in the impedance matching circuit on the transmission efficiency will be demonstrated quantitatively.